Lufthansa Cargo Hands Frankfurt Perishables Service to 7Days
26th September 2016
Lufthansa Cargo AG has handed 7Days Foodservice GmbH responsibility for perishables logistics out of Frankfurt/Main airport. The order package consists of three main tasks: customs clearance, reception of goods in the perishables centre of Lufthansa Cargo at Frankfurt airport and road transport to the consignees. The national and international transports are part of the fresh-to-door services of Lufthansa Cargo and have a cargo weight of more than 15,000 air freight tons a year.
To fulfil the requirements the company specialising in cold chain logistics is operationally using two further partners. For customs clearance we are working with Sotracom and for trucking of the goods we are using Thermotraffic, says Carsten Glos, managing director of 7Days Foodservice.