Descartes Customer and Partner Event in London
11th December 2018

Last month Descartes Systems UK welcomed 135 logistics professionals to its UK Customer and Partner event. Held at the RAF Museum in London, the agenda for the day focused on overcoming challenges and taking advantage of opportunities in logistics.
Speakers at the event included representatives from True Heroes Racing, Boots UK, Vigilant Global Trade Services, Staples Vegetables Ltd and the Driver and Vehicle Standards Agency (DVSA). A representative from HM Revenue & Customs also took to the stage to discuss the new system for managing import and export customs declarations, The Customs Declaration Service (CDS).
The programme was split into two streams; the first looked at international trade and customs compliance and the second focused on transport operations. In the customs stream, topics covered included CDS, Brexit and Descartes product strategy. CDS will replace HMRC’s legacy Customs Handling of Import and Export Freight (CHIEF) System. Following the technical release of CDS in August, Descartes has been working closely with HMRC to prepare their first trader for making the first declaration using the new system, which was successfully completed on 3rd September. Descartes is now working to help its clients prepare for the additional CDS import/export functionality in future releases as the system is rolled out over two further phases during 2019.
The transport operations stream focused on optimising transport operations and the opportunity with the DVSA’s Earned Recognition program. Descartes has successfully supported a number of UK transport operators in achieving Earned Recognition status and works with the DVSA and operators to provide the Key Performance Indicators (KPIs) required by Earned Recognition for tachograph data and the management of drivers’ hours through its SmartCompliance™ software. Staples Vegetables was the first operator to achieve Earned Recognition using KPIs from Descartes Smartanalysis and presented the benefits of their early adopter experience with the new scheme.
Andrew Tavener, Head of Marketing, Descartes Systems UK, comments: “Our annual customer event gives us the chance to discuss the latest industry news and challenges, provide further insight and hear directly from our customers, partners and regulatory bodies such as HMRC and DVSA.”