Transport Market Monitor Confirms Sharp December Capacity Decline
16th January 2020
By the end of 2019, the short-term available transport capacity fell by one fifth, according to online evaluation service Transport Market Monitor (TMM). The significant decline in capacity caused transport prices to rise by more than eight percent in December compared to the previous month.
The online service is provided by Tim Consult based on real transport data from the spot market of the Transporeon platforms.
Overview of the relevant developments in December 2019 were:
• In December the capacity index fell from 128.1 to 102.4 index points (-20 %) compared to the previous month. Nevertheless, the short-term available capacity for road transports was six percent higher than in December 2018.
• The transport price index rose to 108.5 index points in December, which corresponds to an increase of 8.4 percent compared to the previous month (index 100.1). However, transport prices were 1.8 percent lower than in December 2018.
• The diesel price index increased slightly compared to November (+0.7%).