German Electrical Wholesaler Integrates Logistics Management with inconso
21st May 2020

At several locations, German electronic wholesaler Sonepar is making progress in comprehensive optimizations of its IT-supported logistics processes. Together with the logistics software specialist inconso, Sonepar takes on a large-scale project to implement an integrated logistics solution that affects all processes from warehouse management to end customer delivery. At multiple locations, the electrical wholesaler relies on inconsoWMS for warehouse management, inconsoTMS for transport management and inconsoPOD for digital proof of delivery on the last mile. With inconsoDOM (Distributed Order Management System), the cross-location distribution of goods to individual regional and central warehouses is optimized, enabling Sonepar to create a uniform software landscape for all logistics processes.
With its range of large electrical appliances, cables, fans, connecting and insulating materials, lighting and small electrical appliances, Sonepar Germany counts nearly 300 locations, six central warehouses and over 80 transit points. Sonepar’s product range comprises about 100,000 stocked items. More than 40,000 products are available in each of the large warehouses located throughout Germany. Product availability is usually guaranteed within 24 hours.
“We liked the solutions from inconso in particular because of the ability of continuous process handling to cover all processes from the warehouse to the customer. Sonepar’s unique business processes are mapped in a standardized procedure and support the employees in logistics and the second stage of delivery through a fully integrated web solution. For us, its implementation is the foundation for further digitization, which we will be able to realize in the coming months and years based on the uniform and integrated solution,” explains Mark Michaelis, Managing Director of Sonepar Deutschland Information Services GmbH.
After successful system implementations at the company’s Essen and Holzwickede sites (Germany), this large project has featured several go-lives and been moving forward since 2018. Collaboration with inconso is currently continuing at other locations in Germany, such as Langweid am Lech and Hof (Bavaria). inconsoDOM allows for cross-location network control in the system network and provides a comprehensive view of stock at the locations and during transit. It also displays availability and utilization in the warehouse and transport environment.
In order to ensure continuous tracking and tracing along the entire transport and supply chain, Sonepar uses inconsoPOD (Proof of Delivery). This cloud solution enables drivers to transmit all outbound delivery activities using an app. The data from inconsoTMS is made available in real time in inconsoWMS for continuous stock management, giving the electronics wholesaler a detailed view of all goods movements.