Software Specialist to Push Networking Efficiency at LogiMAT 2019
14th November 2018

Featuring the theme ‘end-to-end supply chain’ at LogiMAT 2019, software provider inconso will be presenting innovations and developments focusing on logistics control. The main topic will be ‘Networking as the key to efficient logistics control’. This includes current software releases, cloud highlights and topics relating to ‘smart collaboration’. The extensive portfolio of the logistics software specialist will provide insight into highly flexible software solutions that support seamlessly interlinked business processes. In addition, inconso will present the functional breadth of the inconso Logistics Suite with the warehouse management system inconsoWMS as well as the transport management system inconsoTMS, both of which can handle increasing requirements in logistics.
The logistics software specialist will address the cloud computing trend with tailored SaaS models and cloud service subscriptions from the inconso Cloud Solutions portfolio. Therefore, inconso presents the latest and functionally extended releases of the accounting system inconsoLSA (Logistics Service Accounting) and slotting management system inconsoDSM (Dock & Slot Management); visitors can directly try them out at the trade fair.
inconso has vast knowledge of logistic requirements for a wide array of industries and company sizes, taking into account the growing integration of logistics and production, ever shorter delivery times for mail orders (e-commerce) or the special requirements of small and medium-sized enterprises (SMEs). The rich product portfolio is supplemented by current technological topics, including options for integrating robots, sensors (IoT/IIoT), augmented reality, voice applications or artificial intelligence (AI).
The sister companies of the Körber Business Area Logistics Systems will present intralogistics innovations in hall 1, stand C16. Within the Business Area, inconso is part of the Business Unit Software together with the software companies Aberle Software, Cirrus Logistics, DMLogic, HighJump and Voiteq, which have over 1,200 employees at 31 locations worldwide.
Meet the team at hall 8, stand D55 from February 19-21, 2019, at the Messe Stuttgart.