Soloplan TMS Supporting Logistics in Corona Crisis
6th April 2020

The Corona crisis poses extreme challenges for everyone in the logistics and transport sector: While some transport companies face an extreme decline in orders, some, for example food logistics service providers, are barely able to meet the increased demand. A transport management system such as Soloplan’s CarLo supports logistics in both situations.
Each company is affected: Absences due to illness or quarantine have already become a daily fare; and the logistics sector in particular is struggling to cope. It has therefore become more important than ever to make efficient use of the available resources. The transport management system CarLo has numerous assistants and restriction tests for that purpose, which support the dispatcher immensely by means of status information on vehicle utilisation such as volume, weight or store places, the driver’s remaining driving time and mixed loading prohibitions. Routes are planned in an efficient and time-saving way with the help of mathematical processes. Especially in the current situation, the automatic creation and fully-automated dispatch of transport documents, invoices and accompanying transport documents is an advantage of our software. Here, CarLo can make a positive contribution to reducing the need for personal contact to a minimum.
Many employees are working from home office more frequently. CarLo’s terminal capability means that the daily tasks can also be efficiently mastered from the home office. Thanks to the web-based logistics platform CarLo exCHANGE, full, mobile access to data facilitates the communication with subcontractors. The platform has many compelling functions including Direct Order, evaluations or the connection to telematics systems.
Currently, an especially important task is the protection of your drivers. In the telematics system CarLo inTOUCH, which is fully integrated into CarLo, communication with the driver takes place via chat; orders are transmitted electronically and processed directly within the app. CarLo inTouch also has an integrated scanning function which works via image recognition in the camera. Especially at a time when day-to-day work is to be mastered with as little contact as possible, those functions are becoming more and more important for the protection of the health of each individual to the best of our ability. Furthermore, drivers can use the app to transmit unplanned waiting times to their dispatchers to enable the quickest possible response.
The economy is in shock and many dread the future; but government aid is planned. It is therefore recommended that all burdens arising from the COVID 19 pandemic be documented in detail, as such an overview is important for later applications for government aid. The extensive evaluations and statistics of the logistics software CarLo as well as the flexible data visualisation support you in the analysis of various areas. Subscribe to the most important statistics and easily export the desired data to Excel.
Whether in times of crisis or in normal day-to-day business, a flexible transport management system like CarLo supports you at all times in efficient planning, managing and monitoring of all transports. CarLo is used daily in more than 24 countries worldwide and in 13 languages.