Zetes ePoD Boosts Reliability and Route Planning for Belgian Wholesaler
29th June 2017

Desco, a leading Belgian wholesaler of technical products (HVAC) and sanitary ware, recently chose Zetes to implement its electronic Proof of Delivery (POD) solution, ZetesChronos. In order to have real-time visibility on their deliveries and improve their accuracy, Desco will switch from its current paper-based process to a new system, entirely digital. The project should be fully rolled out in the summer 2017.
Desco owns 19 stores across Belgium. From their distribution centre in Wijnegem (Belgium), they make between 700 and 1000 deliveries per day to over 7,000 partners with 40 vehicles. To date, their entire delivery process is managed with paper, which impacts the back-office of the transporation department. Besides, in the HVAC industry, deliveries are often made to building sites where the responsible person is not available or to fitter who is often not at home during the daytime. It is therefore difficult to provide proof that the delivery was completed on time, in full, and in the right condition.
Christoph Beyls, Project Manager at Desco:”These unattended deliveries may cause incertainties with our customers about the condition or completeness of the delivery. Proper follow-up was therefore required, and we were looking for an integral solution that could improve the delivery reliability and route planning management.”
The new ZetesChronos proof of delivery system provides real-time information on the movement of goods and freight drivers involved with delivery, thus guaranteeing traceability across the entire process.
“ZetesChronos will be linked to our existing ERP system and our drivers will be equipped with new touch screen PDAs,” Christoph Beyls explains. The system collates all data captured during logistical transactions whilst the drivers complete their rounds, from loading the trucks through deliveries, pick-ups and returns registration. “This information is captured via PDA and transmitted to the back office. The system provides real-time updates on deliveries, enabling the dispatchers to monitor orders status and take the appropriate decision in case of questions or anomalies,” concludes Christoph.
With ZetesChronos powered by the MCL™ Mobility Platform, the cloud-based enterprise mobility platform for supply chain, Desco will be able to centrally manage all mobile applications, devices and users.