AGV from DS Automation lifts to 8.5m
17th May 2021

With lifting heights up to 8.5 m and payloads up to 2.5t, the ARNY driverless counterbalanced forklift completes DS Automation’s forklift AGV family in the upper performance range.
ARNY is particularly compact. It can utilise all popular methods for navigating, and operate using various kinds of batteries and charging concepts. Its highly modular design, including the load-handling kit, renders ARNY fit for all application areas. A comprehensive safety concept and uncompromising ‘made in Austria’ quality make ARNY safe, low-maintenance and durable, according to DS Automation.
Like all members of DS Automation’s forklift AGV family, ARNY is “born driverless”. It was designed an autonomous guided vehicle (AGV) without any compromises from scratch. In spite of the higher weight it requires for counterbalancing, ARNY features an extremely small turning circle so it can navigate in very narrow aisles.
ARNY is capable of using contour-based navigation as well as laser navigation and it can fall back on magnetic markers or reflectors for higher positioning accuracy. Due to its full compatibility with all free-ranging DS Automation systems, the AGV can operate in existing layouts. ARNY is also equipped with the universal VDA5050 interface so it can join AGVs of any kind from various manufacturers.
As a counterbalancing lifter, ARNY does not require straddles under the fork. Self-supported, it can lift loads to heights up to 8.5m, depending on the lifting mast. Two models of the forklift AGV are available, ARNY for payloads up to 1,500kg, and ARNY HD for up to 2,500kg.
DS Automation integrated a particularly compact, modular load handling system. Aside of numerous fork geometries and adjustments, it excels with the same industrial-grade ruggedness as the vehicle itself.
In spite of its high carrying and lifting capacity, DS Automation says ARNY moves safely at high speeds at which all functional safety is tested and certified. Its 360° sensors facilitate personnel safety without blind spots. Additional options including blue spot and laser line projectors and 3D object protection cameras help further advance functional safety. Safety control is taken care of by a safe PLC in the AGV capable of transmitting safety data over Wi-Fi. This allows integrating ARNY in the best possible way with operators’ overall safety concepts.
When it comes to power supply and charging concepts, ARNY offers operators the full freedom of choice. It can be equipped with rechargeable batteries using all popular technologies. These can be charged aboard the AGV through floor contacts or externally.
ARNY, the highly compact and manoeuvrable driverless forklift from DS Automation takes on the challenges of intralogistics with industrial-grade ruggedness, a highly modular design and superior personnel safety.
The two ARNY models complete the forklift AGV family of the globally leading AGV manufacturer based in Linz, Austria. This family now extends to higher-load categories and consists of ARNY HD, ARNY, AMADEUS and LUCY.
Karl Rapp, Sales, Planning and Marketing Manager, DS Automation, says: “Our highly manoeuvrable driverless forklift not only quickly and safely lifts heavy loads to great heights, ARNY also excels with high durability and low maintenance.”