Kivnon Smartphone App Aims To Simplify AGV Routing
5th October 2016
Spanish AGV provider KIVNON has launched an Android phone App to link to its AGVs, designed to programme routes through the warehouse quickly and easily.
The AGV receives orders while circulating through the facility with Tags placed on the floor on the route. The Tags are read by the AGV and this information allows the AGV to realize its functions.
The plant operator can modify each tag in a few seconds by holding his smartphone above the tag to change the route / speed or any type of instruction for the AGVs passing by.
Kivnon MD Juan Prieto claims that this system creates enormous benefits for his customers. First of all, the installation of the circuit at the initial phase of each project can be done entirely by the customer himself. This means an important cost saving aspect with the start-up of any project. The second benefit is the flexibility to make all type of changes any time of the day in the circuit without the intervention of Kivnon. And as third the easiness of maintenance and installation of the whole system.