Automated Deep Freeze Warehouse for German Potato Producer
7th November 2018

SSI Schaefer has engineered a fully automated deep-freeze warehouse for Aviko Germany. Deep-freeze logistics places huge demands on space utilization, performance, availability, and energy efficiency. To meet these requirements, Aviko, one of the global market leaders in frozen potato products, decided to expand and modernize existing plants and selected SSI Schaefer as the general contractor for intralogistics.
Aviko asked SSI Schaefer to conduct a modern update with a partial greenfield project at the existing logistics and production site in Rain am Lech. As a subsidiary of the Dutch Aviko Group, the company belongs to one of the largest potato processors in the world and the leading international provider of chilled potato products. As general contractor, SSI Schaefer is responsible for the logistics concept, the implementation plan, and the building of a new two-aisle high bay warehouse (HBW). It is taking on the task of retrofitting two existing deep-freeze shuttle warehouses and creating a cohesive logistical unit.
The new multi-depth HBW will provide 11,000 pallet storage locations for approximately 600 items. In order to ensure the quality of the products, the warehouse is maintained at a constant temperature of -25 °C. The new HBW features two universal Exyz storage and retrieval machines (SRM). With a dynamic SSI Orbiter LHD each acting as a load handling device, these SRMs will achieve a turnover performance of 32 storage and 46 retrieval operations per hour. SSI Schaefer will use energy-efficient conveying system components to transport palletized items quickly between the different warehouses and the shipping area. This includes 158 roller and chain conveyors, 27 lifting transfer units, three 90° rotary tables, and seven loading and unloading stations.
The logistics software, WAMAS®, from SSI Schaefer will coordinate all of the material flows in the unit. The integrated visualization system, WAMAS® Lighthouse, will also provide maximum transparency regarding the system capacity utilization. Following the expansion works on the Rain facility, Aviko will have space for 25,000 pallets. At the same time, the performance capacity of the overall system will increase from approximately 88 pallets to 132 pallets per hour. The updated modern expansion is slated for a late summer 2019 commissioning.
Aviko’s Rain site mainly produces fries and fried potatoes for Germany and Austria, as well as for Italy and south-east European markets. Each year, 280,000 tons of potatoes are delivered to the production site, which are then used to produce around 170,000 tons of deep-frozen products.