Channel storage system for Delta Pronatura
13th April 2015

He is referring to the new high-bay warehouse which is an extension of the Egelsbach warehouse and production plant. Delta Pronatura – manufacturer of well-known, successful cleaning and cosmetics brands such as Dr. Beckmann, Blistex and Carbona – commissioned MFI AG after being won over by the ideas of the intralogistics full-service providers. This is how an innovative, perfectly thought-out channel storage system came into being.
Channel storage systems – rapid and space-saving
The newly-constructed warehouse serves as a buffer for pallets between receipt/shipment of goods and production. Depending on the type of pallet, the high-bay warehouse can hold up to 5400 Euro pallets. One special feature of this facility is its flexibility; despite their varying dimensions, Euro pallets, Chep pallets and industrial pallets can all be picked equally quickly and efficiently, explains Matthias Neu.
The loaded pallets are received and recorded before being taken into the warehouse via a roller conveyor. Using lifting equipment, the Transverse Transfer Car takes a pallet and transfers it to the appropriate pre-zone. It is then transported to the channel storage system by the lifting equipment on one of the two storage and retrieval machines. The EDY material flow and warehouse management software decides where the pallet is to be unloaded, and it is taken to its shelf spot by a shuttle vehicle on rails. Thanks to this satellite equipment, an overall higher storage density can be achieved than in, for example, a high-bay warehouse with curve-traversing storage and retrieval machines and several aisles.
EDY flexible warehouse management software
As Delta Pronatura is not just a supplier of pallets to large pharmacy and supermarket chains, but also picks smaller size orders, the MFI warehouse management system was adjusted accordingly. Thus the system is able to detect whole pallets and layers, but also smaller pack sizes. Individual boxes can be picked onto the loose roller conveyor system and prepared for shipment. The stacker control system for the companys manual warehouse was also developed by MFI.
Searching out new solutions and developing new products where required is one of MFI AGs core competencies. Daniel Mihali, Executive Board Member of MFI AG, summarises: In recent years we have focused increasingly on unconventional ideas and added value. This applies equally to the expansion of our own MFI product range, our innovative ideas and solutions, as well as the continuous development of our software offering.