Ecommerce Fulfilment Specialist on Target for Record-Breaking Year
5th November 2018

Fulfilment technology and services provider, fulfilmentcrowd, says is on track for a record-breaking year after enjoying a busy period of new contract wins and accelerated onboarding activity.
Since April 2018, the company has secured 107 new clients, tripling customer acquisition compared to the same period last year. Growth has been particularly strong in the health, beauty, fashion and tech sectors, with new clients including premium phone case brand, Mous Products, sports retailer Anax Fitness and Dragons Den-backed, Dock & Bay.
In addition to recruiting 16 new staff across operations, software development and customer care, the company has continued to enhance facilities with its latest £30,000 investment adding a high-density picking system at the Matrix Park site, creating 3,500 new picking locations.
The total number of unique products managed by fulfilmentcrowd has increased to 105,500 and 466,961 items have been shipped so far this year, with a 98.6% same-day dispatch service level.
As a result of strong customer acquisition and rising pre-eminence in the sector, turnover is already up 22% on 2017, with full year earnings predicted to be in the range of £5.5m for 2018.
Lee Thompson, sales and marketing director, explains: “As we enter the Christmas period, we are in good shape to support peak trading. Our platform is constantly being enhanced and the marginal gains we have made through the year will enable us to improve our already-high dispatch performance and customer satisfaction scores.”
fulfilmentcrowd plan to add more than 75% more capacity in 2019 by expanding its network partnership programme (known as ‘FNPs’) and opening new centres at strategic locations in the Midlands and South East.
Lee adds: “Continued investment in our network allows us infinite scale capacity and enhances our portfolio of specialist services. The eCommerce sector is particularly buoyant at this time and fulfilmentcrowd continues to be the thought-leader in logistics and delivery, particularly in the SME space. We are proud to help our customers focus their energies on business development, reach an international audience and significantly reduce their distribution costs.”