Eurotec Adds New Models to Lowpad Family
21st April 2020

Eurotec has welcomed new models to the Lowpad Family. The release of the new models is fully in line with Eurotec’s goal to move all existing load carriers within any environment autonomously.
Lowpad P
By introducing the Lowpad P, Eurotec has realized an automated orderpick system based on a goods to person principle. The Lowpad P is a compact AMR which acts as an agile high-speed runner within any warehouse environment. Totes with a maximum size of 600 x 400 x 200 mm (23.6 x 15.7 x 7.9”) can be placed on the Lowpad P. The Lowpad P is highly flexible and able to move filled totes to a destination station. Totes can be loaded manual, with a robot or by using a conveyor belt.
Lowpad S
In recent years Eurotec has been regularly asked if the Lowpad K is also capable of moving heavier load carriers like roll cages. The Lowpad K has been developed, in particular, for small load carriers like dollies. That’s why Eurotec initiated a modified model, the Lowpad S. The Lowpad S has been equipped with a wide lifting table and an even higher lifting capacity. This makes this Lowpad model very appropriate for moving heavier load carriers like roll cages.