Shuttle system and goods-to-person solution
27th October 2016

Global materials handling equipment distributor TVH has selected a TGW Logistics STINGRAY shuttle and Goods-to-Person solution to support the growth in its primary fulfilment center in Olathe, Kansas, US.
The TGW system, with an order value of US$ 8.7 million, was developed alongside a similar solution currently being installed by TGW in a new TVH distribution facility in Waregem, Belgium.
The successful growth of TVHs parts business in the USA is adding a substantial number of SKUs into the company’s inventory, requiring a strategic review of the organisation’s long-term ability to store, pick and ship.
TGW was challenged to develop a solution that would provide very dense cubic storage on a compressed floor space footprint.
The result is a 5-aisle STINGRAY shuttle system, expandable to 10-aisles, which will feed SKU totes to ergonomically designed picking stations. The completely automated system will deliver parts directly to the picker and return to storage. All completed orders will be automatically dispatched to shipping.
The solution has also automated inventory replenishment, connecting the receiving areas and back stock to decanting stations for the fluid and rapid balance of inventory management.
“The move to automation optimises labour and thus provides an exceptional return on investment,” says TGW’s Sales Director, Phil Steeds. “The successful solution not only satisfies TVH’s current business needs but also allows for the doubling of the solution if required, and all within the existing facility.”