Brexit Extension “Will Relieve Pressure on UK Logistics Sector”
31st October 2019

The extension of the Brexit deadline to the end of January 2021 will relieve some of the pressure on the UK logistics sector as the industry enters one of its busiest times of the year, says UKWA – the United Kingdom Warehousing Association.
The Association’s CEO, Peter Ward, comments: “With retailers gearing up for Black Friday, Cyber Monday and Christmas, the previous date set for Britain’s EU departure – October 31st ¬¬– coincided with peak season for many UKWA members at a time of the year when UK warehouse and distribution facilities are operating close to full capacity.
“With Brexit now coming after peak season, the extended deadline should allow our members to deliver Christmas without the added risk and impacts of a simultaneous day-one no deal scenario.”
And, according to Peter Ward, contrary to some recent media coverage the logistics industry has not been enjoying a bonanza as a result of companies seeking to stockpile inventory.
Peter Ward says: “The UK logistics sector has been the subject of considerable media focus with reports implying that warehouse operators are profiting from those companies seeking to stockpile inventory in the run-up to Brexit. This is a myth. UKWA members report that, in most cases, the requests they have had for additional pallet space has been from existing customers and, of course, the space is offered to these clients at pre-agreed terms.
“Furthermore, it is recognised that in most cases storage alone does not generate sufficient margin. Warehouse operators make their modest profits from handling frequently turning stock and providing value added services such as picking and packing, so they do not simply want a warehouse full of pallets sitting idly on racking.”
Ward also feels that the latest Brexit delay will have minimal effect on demand for storage space. He says: “Those companies that prepared for Brexit did so in run up to the original March deadline. Data collected by UKWA in September showed little evidence of further stockpiling after April in preparation for October, and we expect little to change in this next period, especially now that the threat of a cliff-edge fall-out has been significantly reduced.”
UKWA has consistently highlighted that the UK’s withdrawal from the EU, whatever the outcome, and whatever the timing, is likely to drive a long term demand for additional warehousing. Should the UK divert to WTO terms for its trade to and from the EU, some 200 million extra customs declarations will be required, with border checks on animal and plant imports. Such interruptions in the supply chain will naturally lead companies to hold more inventory in their supply chain and therefore more warehouse capacity will be required.