Any Colour You Like, says Dutch Dock and Loading Bay Specialist
8th November 2017

Stertil Dock Products are bringing a rainbow look to distribution centres around Europe with customer specific house style coloured curtains for their dock shelters.
More and more customers are requesting corporate colours on their loading bays and, says Stertil, “Why not, when you can choose all of the colours of the rainbow and above all, this is one of the easiest and effective ways to promote your brand and make it stand out from the rest.”
Stertil Dock Products says it has had many requests from around Europe and now one of the largest courier service providers in the world is revamping and renovating shelters with corporate house style colours.
“The shelters here are from the WI inflatable range,” says Jeroen Akkerman Production Planner, Stertil Dock Products, “We can provide almost any RAL colour the customer would like to have.The process is very simple; we match the customer’s colours with the RAL colour. The shelter curtains are produced from 3 mm density PVC and within 5-6 weeks you have your company colours hanging in all their glory.”
When Stertil’s Sales Team receives a special colour request from the customer the whole process is coordinated by the Sales Team and Production Planning, ensuring the matching house style colours are used for producing the curtains and in many cases the colour is mixed especially according to the RAL colours of the customer.
The curtains also display the prominent safety and design arrows, called the “Stertil Chevrons” on both sides, among the most distinguishing features of a Stertil Dock shelter. They are guidance arrows which help the driver position the vehicle safety and accurately to the dock.