Joint Truck And Battery Solution Delivers Performance Gain For Partner Logistics
5th August 2015

Working together to meet a demanding brief from Partner Logistics, lift truck manufacturer Crown and battery manufacturer EnerSys have delivered a complete materials handling solution that has improved equipment availability, enhanced performance and saved costs at the cold chain specialists freezer store in Gloucester.
We liked the idea of two separate suppliers with specialist knowledge working together to present a complete package, says Dave Mayne, Gloucester Site Manager for Partner Logistics. The new fleet has already made a considerable improvement to our operations. We have more focus on the total solution rather than simply treating the batteries as something that comes with the truck.
The Gloucester facility opened in 2009 and is one of two freezer stores operated by Partner Logistics in the UK. With 72,000 pallet capacity and annual throughput exceeding 600,000 pallets it serves customers including ice cream and other dairy producers. The entire site operates 24/7 with just 29 people. Like other facilities in the companys network it incorporates extensive automation to achieve high levels of quality and efficiency. The main 30m, 18-pallet high main chamber for example is fully automated with cranes and conveyors. Flexibility is supported by three pallet stackers working in a smaller chamber with conventional racking while five electric counterbalance trucks load delivery vehicles.
During 2014 the original fleet was reaching end of contract. Partner Logistics had experienced a number of truck and battery-related performance and reliability issues, particularly in the two preceding years, that led to unexpected outages and damage to equipment. Recognising it needed a different approach the company visited various sites to see potential replacement trucks from the leading manufacturers and discuss experiences with other users.
We wanted to move to a system where everyone could work together with a total package that met our requirement, says Dave Mayne. The solution proposed by Crown and EnerSys was not the cheapest but we are confident it will deliver what we need over the whole contract.
Partner Logistics was impressed by Crowns InfoLink® wireless fleet management solution. Terminals mounted on each truck interface with on-board systems to monitor operations, detect specific events and gather key performance data in real time. The information is instantly accessible using any web browser to provide valuable insights into trends, emerging issues and overall performance by truck, battery, operator and fleet. The system can issue alerts to managers via email when user-defined events occur to allow rapid response and remedy.
From the outset Crown took the approach that the batteries would be integral to the overall solution. The companys account manager Nathan Sheridan approached counterpart Kris Boulton at EnerSys to discuss how they could devise a joint solution to meet the demands of a -26oC cold store. Specifying the right battery is particularly important in a cold store where the arduous conditions and low temperatures inevitably reduce performance compared with ambient applications. After assessing the projected demands EnerSys proposed batteries from its Hawker Waterless range. These advanced units incorporate technology that reduces the gassing that leads to electrolyte loss. Topping up intervals can be extended significantly, depending on duty cycles and applications, to reduce routine maintenance costs. Moreover, because electrolyte levels are more stable the performance and power output of the battery is more consistent than conventional models. EnerSys recommended its advanced Hawker LifeTech high frequency chargers. All high-frequency chargers reduce overall energy consumption but these models employ optimised charging profiles that ensure just the right amount of power is always supplied to the battery. This maintains the condition of the battery as well as minimising the power and time required to recharge.
We were guided by EnerSys on the choice batteries and chargers, says Max Longley, Gloucester Site Operations Manager for Partner Logistics. Maintenance processes are much simpler and there is reduced risk of over- and under-topping which helps maintain battery performance and reliability. Frozen batteries had been an issue and reducing the amount of water helps in this environment.
A key objective for Partner Logistics was better battery management. Drivers are under strict instruction to change a battery only when it reaches 20 per cent state of charge and replace it only with a fully charged unit. Information from the trucks battery is available through InfoLink to confirm the status of the units on board each truck and in each charging station. Simple LED indicators on the chargers show operators which batteries are fully charged and available for use.
Crown InfoLink detects when a battery is changed and records its state of charge at the time. Since the installation went live the number of batteries swapped with the wrong state of charge has fallen to almost nil. On the few occasions when this has happened the system has issued an alert and managers have been able to respond immediately. This improvement in battery cycling will help ensure that all units deliver consistent performance throughout the whole contract. The system also provides new insight into fleet performance.
InfoLink shows us how the trucks and batteries are being used and with the alerts we often know something has happened before the operator has a chance to tell us, says Max Longley. We can be proactive with our team and use the information to identify when additional training is needed.
The previous installation utilised one spare battery for each lift truck. Following its initial assessment EnerSys identified that the total number of each type could be reduced by one. This lowered the overall cost for Partner Logistics and ensured redesigned charge and change areas would occupy less space.
The charging area for the counterbalance trucks was previously accommodated in a large room adjacent to the loading bay. Its footprint was big because the chargers stood on the floor. Now the much smaller Hawker LifeTech chargers are mounted above the batteries on new charging stations devised and installed by EnerSys. Battery connectors are fixed above and behind the roller beds to keep them off the floor and prevent damage. Cables have been shortened to dissuade operators from parking and charging. The reduced size of the new installation allowed its relocation to a smaller room. The original room has been converted by Partner Logistics for value-added tasks including a growing rework service.
EnerSys devised a similar configuration for the pallet stacker charging room. In both areas batteries are changed using a battery transfer system (BTS) developed by Crown based on their hand pallet trucks. The process is simple, quick and effortless. The BTS used to swap the counterbalance batteries locks onto the truck to prevent unexpected movements and promote safety during changing.
In addition to monitoring battery usage, InfoLink helps to manage pre-shift checks. Operators follow simple on-screen prompts to carry out pre-shift checks of items including the batteries, hydraulics, electronics and general condition of the truck. The truck automatically locks out completely if any specific errors are detected.
We expected the operation to be better and more reliable but the real impact will come after three years, says Dave Mayne. The relationship works well. Our contract is with Crown but we know we can go direct to Kris if there is an issue with the batteries and he will work with everyone to sort it out. If you work together you get a result.