NexSys Battery Range Now Covers All Materials Handling Vehicle Applications
11th February 2020

Thin Plate Pure Lead (TPPL) battery technology from EnerSys, long-established in providing highly flexible, maintenance-free operation for materials handling vehicles, is now available in two forms, says the company.
First is the NexSys Core battery (available only in EMEA markets), a high-performance alternative to traditional lead-acid batteries. “Then, for users seeking even more enhanced capabilities, outstanding cycling performance in Partial State of Charge (PSoC) operations and increased cycle life, there is the new NexSys Pure battery,” says EnerSys. Comprising TPPL technology with the addition of carbon in the active material formulation, the NexSys Pure battery is claimed to be powerful enough to offer a compelling alternative to lithium-ion (Li-ion) in many applications.
“With these two NexSys batteries, we can meet the needs of all electric materials handling vehicle users,” comments Sorelle Metiendjo Tiam, Advanced Technologies Product Manager EMEA at EnerSys. Tiam continued: “Those that would have previously deployed traditional lead-acid batteries can benefit from the superior performance of the NexSys Core battery; for them, this battery becomes the standard solution. Similarly, the NexSys Pure battery offers an attractive lower price alternative to lithium-ion for users seeking the highest level of performance.”
The NexSys battery family offers users a full spectrum of choice. The NexSys Core battery is currently optimised to achieve 100% energy throughput for low to medium-duty operations. In contrast, the NexSys Pure battery delivers up to 160 per cent energy throughput per day. This means the NexSys family offers true flexibility for all material handling applications.
The energy content of NexSys batteries is up to 10% more than flooded batteries and up to 20% more than gel batteries. This is possible as one tubular plate is equivalent to three TPPL plates. Therefore, both the NexSys Core and Pure battery have three times more plates than flooded and gel batteries of the same volume. TPPL plate thickness down to 0,8mm allows this density.
Unlike conventional lead-acid solutions, the NexSys Core battery has fast charge capability. It can be fully charged in 5 hours. Moreover, it is possible to use short break times to opportunity charge the NexSys Core battery, even without reaching full state of charge. This allows the user to complete a higher number of cycles (up to 1500 cycles at 60% DOD), and the cycle life increases exponentially at lower DoD levels.
Opportunity charges allow users to complete daily missions, which may overtake the nominal capacity of the battery, and therefore provide flexibility in truck operation with up to 100 per cent energy throughput per day. A truck can accordingly complete an entire shift, possibly longer, without needing removal from service for a battery change or recharge.