24th May 2023

In the run-up to the handing out of the IFOY Awards in Dortmund on June 22nd, we run through all the 2023 finalists and share the verdict from the IFOY test conducted during the evaluation by an expert jury in March. Our first entry (alphabetically speaking) is the AGILOX ODM from AGILOX.
Category: AGV / AMR
IFOY test verdict
Summary: The new AGILOX ODM omnidirectional dolly mover is an intelligent logistics robot for small load carriers. Thanks to the proven X-Swarm Technology by AGILOX integrated in the vehicle, it independently finds the fastest route through the production or logistics environment in real time.
Description: The new AGILOX ODM ensures the production supply with small parts. From now on, users can transport small load carriers such as containers or dollies with dimensions of 600x400mm and a maximum weight of 300kg from one station to the next and fill rails. As with other products in the AGILOX range, there is no need for additional infrastructure or navigation aids such as magnetic strips on the floor. Freely navigating and completely autonomous, the ODM enables production lines to be supplied flexibly. In this way, users set a new standard of agility in their production or logistics. With its omnidirectional travel system, even trips through the narrowest aisles are no problem for the AGILOX ODM.
Innovation: The new AGILOX ODM is part of an entire product group, which means that even driving with other vehicle types of the AGILOX family in combination is possible without any problems. Compared to similar products on the market, the AGILOX advantage is that it does not require additional infrastructure or navigation aids. Furthermore, our product innovation impresses with its omnidirectional drive system, which allows not only forward and backward movements, but also turning at a standstill or parallel movements. Numerous safety sensors ensure 360-degree personal safety.
Market relevance: The AGILOX ODM is particularly relevant for the pharmaceutical and electronics industries. Monotonous tasks no longer have to be performed by (over)qualified employees, but can henceforth be handed over to the intelligent logistics robot. The company is thus closing the gap from partial automation to full automation. AGILOX estimates the market potential for its own company at around €30 million.
Main customer benefits: AGILOX relies on the motto “Plug&Perform”. The first AGILOX can be put into operation in less than twelve hours, and each additional vehicle in just 15 minutes. Increasing demands should be child’s play for the intelligent intralogistics robot, which is unique in a market comparison, according to AGILOX.
The name says it all. AGILOX takes changing environmental or process conditions lightly. Sounds exciting, and it is. After all, an AGILOX can also operate at different levels if it is connected via a lift. And even narrow aisles or oncoming traffic cannot harm the all-rounder. The advantage is obvious. Operating space costs money, and customers want to spend it on more sensible things.
IFOY Innovation Check
Market relevance: The new ODM vehicle developed by AGILOX automates the transport of floor rollers in the 400x600mm or 600x800mm format, on which stacked containers or comparable load carriers are transported. The market for this type of transport, correctly located by AGILOX itself in the pharmaceutical and electronics industries, is highly relevant there. However, transports with floor rollers and containers are by no means used in all companies, which is why the market relevance is only rated as balanced.
Customer benefit: The high manoeuvrability of the very compact vehicle and the software, which is designed to be easy to use, provide a high benefit for the user. The software demonstrates the provider’s extensive experience with autonomously operating vehicles, which are also well coordinated by the software as a fleet of different vehicle types from AGILOX on the same operating area.
Novelty / Innovation: In the vehicle class for transporting ground scooters with containers, solutions already exist, but the extremely compact design combined with the surface mobility of the ODM is definitely to be assessed as new. Since the technical solutions and the functions are already known from other vehicles of the same supplier and its market companions, an evaluation as extraordinarily innovative is not possible.
Functionality / Type of implementation: The presented vehicle offers relevant functions for the user, in particular autonomous functions for avoiding obstacles on the route or for reacting during load pick-up if load carriers are not precisely provided. A precise approach to the defined target positions is also possible during load delivery. In the demonstration, the functions mentioned were impressively and reliably demonstrated.
Verdict: Vehicles like the ODM have a market but transports with floor rollers in the 400x600mm or 600x800mm format are far from being used in all companies. The high manoeuvrability of the vehicle and the software, which is designed for easy operation, deliver a high benefit for users. In this extremely compact form combined with the surface manoeuvrability, the vehicle is new and offers relevant functions for the user.
Market relevance Ø
Customer benefit ++
Novelty / Innovation +
Functionality / Type of implementation ++
[KEY: ++ very good / + good / Ø balanced / – less / — not available]