New ‘Logistics’ Halls for Hannover Messe Signal the end for CeMAT
15th April 2019

It’s official – CeMAT, once the number one show in European logistics, is no more. While the worldwide versions of the show will continue, the original form of the franchise, staged every two years in Hannover, is now to be merged into the vast Hannover Messe exhibition.
In even years, starting in 2020, ‘Logistics’ in Halls 2, 3 and 4 of Hannover Messe will encompass material flow and warehousing technology; warehouse and factory equipment; industrial trucks and accessories; automated guided vehicles; packaging technology; and logistics services. Organisers Deutsche Messe says that Hannover Messe will feature topics such as logistics automation and digital logistics on an annual basis within other sections.
Revamped to meet the changing needs of Industry 4.0 according to Deutsche Messe, the revamped Hannover Messe features seven display categories that cover the topics that were until now branded as separate tradeshows.
Future Lab in Halls 21 and 24 focus on R&D, startups, emerging technologies, innovation culture, and the future of work.
Automation, Motion & Drives in Halls 2 to 13 covers factory, process and energy automation; mechanical and electrical power transmission and fluid power; robotics; industrial sensor technology and image processing; transformers; energy management; logistics automation; and warehousing technology.
Digital Ecosystems in Halls 14 to 17 focuses on digital integration and applications for industry, encompassing such topics as business software, PLM, MES, logistics IT, digital platforms and cloud solutions, IT security, augmented and virtual reality, energy management solutions, artificial intelligence and 5G infrastructure.
The showcases dedicated to technologies for the supply of energy, particularly electrical energy, to industrial plants and connected mobility infrastructure will be concentrated at Energy Solutions in Halls 11, 12, 13 and 27. Specifically, this section focuses on electricity generation and transmission, power, heat and cooling supply technologies, and electric-vehicle infrastructure.
Future-defining themes such as lightweight construction, additive manufacturing, surface technology, material-specific components, fastening systems and engineering services are found at Engineered Parts in Halls 19, 20, 22, and 23.
Compressed Air & Vacuum Technology in Hall 26 presents compressed air and vacuum technology in the odd years.
Deutsche Messe claims that the new format will also make it possible to group exhibitors in mutually beneficial ways, while at the same time creating new community-building opportunities.