Bullet Express equipped to go the extra miles
14th May 2021

Bullet Express, the Glasgow-based international logistics, transport and storage company, has installed 3.5 miles of pallet racking in its new 30,000 sq ft storage logistics facility in the city. Laid end to end, the racking is long enough to stretch from the storage facility at 2129 London Road, Glasgow, to George Square in the heart of Scotland’s largest city.
The new racking, manufactured by Spanish specialist AR Racking and installed by local installation experts, Rackit Ltd, means that the facility is now fully operational only two months after Bullet Express received the keys to the building.
The new storage facility:
Represents a seven-figure investment from Bullet Express
Can hold 5,000 pallets
Increases Bullet Express’s capacity by 25% to 26,000 pallets
Has 20 rows of high-capacity racking, creating 364 storage bays stacked seven layers high
Operates 10 aisles
Has a narrow aisle configuration to accommodate Aisle Master forklift trucks
Bullet Express’s creation of the new storage facility reflects a surge in demand from both existing and new customers for storage services. This is in response to tighter consumer delivery demand following a 40% rise in online shopping due to Covid-19 lockdowns. The new facility will result in the creation of up to 10 new jobs initially.
David McCutcheon, co-founder and Chief Executive Officer at Bullet Express, said: “Demand from existing and new customers for storage space close to their customers is at unprecedented levels and investing in this high-capacity racking means that we can accommodate their needs, offering an end-to-end service. So much so that the facility is already close to reaching its capacity with new business wins from blue-chip customers in the retail grocery sector.
“I’m full of admiration for the service we’ve received from AR Racking, Rackit and Douglas Gillespie Plant, whose high-lift plant was used throughout the installation. I’m proud, too, of Bullet Express’s own team who have moved heaven and earth to get this installation completed in record time.”