TBWB celebrates 45th anniversary
2nd February 2022

This month marks a historic event for logistics automation, as TBWB (Technical Bureau West-Brabant BV) will be celebrating its 45th anniversary on 14th February 2022, a rare achievement in this industry.
TBWB is a family business founded in 1977 by Henk Friederichs, and focuses mainly on industrial automation, specialising in internal logistics. Since 2009 the company has been taken over by the next generation, son Bart Friederichs who is general manager, and his sister Jikke Friederichs is head of HR.
On 14th February, TBWB also says goodbye to Willem Huijben, an employee from the very beginning, who will enjoy his well-deserved retirement after 45 years of loyal service.
TBWB is a specialist for the automation of internal logistics processes. Whether it concerns the digitisation of order picking processes and the integration of automated installations, palletising concepts, or the complete automation of processing, storage and transport systems, TBWB describes itself as the specialist for every logistical challenge.
TBWB delivers complete custom projects for the automation of internal logistics, from engineering to delivery and service (24/7). Whether it concerns transport and sorting systems, material handling and order picking, to automatic storage of pallets and goods, TBWB says it can offer the right solution for every company active in logistics. TBWB’s core business is warehouses, distribution centres and production companies.
It puts together a specialised project team for each project, and claims that the optimal bundling of knowledge and know-how, in collaboration with its reliable partners, ensures the desired result.
With TBWB Flowcontrol, it controls the entire automated installation plus PLC. With TBWB Stockcontrol, it manages the stock and warehouse processes (location, stock and storage) for automated solutions such as automated warehouses, pick-to-light systems, and barcode scanners. With TBWB Sortercontrol, TBWB says it has a unique solution for controlling sorting installations. Its software team seamlessly links all these software packages to your ERP or WMS (Warehouse Management System).
Its customers include Ahrend, Trans-O-Flex, Hitachi Transport Systems, Destil, Montapacking, Intertoys, Fabory, Bego, Sumitomo, CB, PostNL and Merba.