5 New Hyster empty container handlers for RST
24th February 2015

Rotterdam Shortsea Terminals (RST) has received five new Hyster® empty container handlers for its fast 24/7 operation, which handles up to ten container-ships a day. The new machines replace five existing Hyster empty container handlers commissioned in 2009.
“We have six years of good experience of the Hyster products combined with responsive service support delivered by the Hyster dealer, Heffiq,” says Cees van Pelt, Manager Technical Department and Projects at RST. “The co-operation is excellent and we wanted to continue the relationship.”
RST, is one of the largest shortsea container transhipment companies in Europe and expects to load and unload ships quickly and efficiently, which relies on machine availability.
“It’s a tough 24/7 operation in Rotterdam Port with each empty container handler working intensely for up to 4,000hrs per year,” says Cees, explaining that RST reviewed a number of competitive machines. “Reliability is essential and after six years using the previous Hyster model, we know we can depend on Hyster Big Trucks.”
With engine, transmission and hydraulic protection systems, automatic greasing, oil-immersed brakes, a ‘cooling on demand’ system and many other features, Hyster ensures unmatched reliability as well as offering a low total cost of ownership.
The new Hyster® H22XM-12EC empty container handlers were delivered in July 2014 and have already helped RST reduce their fuel bill significantly, while giving excellent performance. The Stage IIIB compliant trucks have achieved a 15% fuel saving compared to the previous model.
Cees explains that a contributing factor in the decision making process was the exceptional fuel savings provided by four new Hyster® ReachStackers delivered in 2013.
“Uniquely, the Hyster ReachStacker is so powerful, it can lift, extend the boom and move at the same time,” says Cees. “But we also save at least 4 litres per hour on each truck, which makes a big difference on the cost to move each container. Hyster has proven its fuel saving promise.”
Featuring the latest Cummins QSB 6.7 engine, the powerful empty container handlers feature load-sensing hydraulics which allows a high lifting speed at low RPM. The machines handle containers up to seven high and 45′ long and feature a variety of masts.
Martijn Veerkamp, Commercial director at Heffiq BV says “The drivers like the machines which have good speed of response, low noise levels and a comfortable cabin. There is also excellent visibility, low centre of gravity and great manoeuvrability, giving the drivers confidence to operate quickly and efficiently.”
The trucks are also faster to service, with highly trained Heffiq engineers resident at the terminal for planned and unplanned maintenance.
“We ensure important spare parts are kept on-site, while rapid response for other parts is provided by the Hyster European parts operation in Nijmegen (the Netherlands),” explains Martijn. “Heffiq’s consistent and well planned service operation keeps these trucks performing at their best in this demanding application.”
Heffiq trains the drivers and RST uses the Hyster Tracker fleet management system to provide monthly reports and daily operational information as required. The Hyster Tracker monitors who drives the equipment and how they drive, recording productivity and fuel costs as well as forcing mandatory daily checks.
“We have a complete understanding of our operation, including how much it costs us to move a single container,” explains Cees. “Our partnership with Hyster and Heffiq is excellent and our operation is continuously improving as a result.”
Hyster offers a full range of materials handling equipment with service support for ports and terminals all over the world. Visit www.hyster.eu.