Sparck manager receives SCM award
28th September 2022

Jo Bradley, Sparck Technologies’ UK business development manager, has been selected as an award recipient of Supply & Demand Chain Executive’s prestigious 2022 Women in Supply Chain Awards.
The Women in Supply Chain Awards honour female supply chain leaders and executives whose accomplishments, mentorship and examples set a foundation for women in all levels of a company’s supply chain network. This year over 280 submissions were received.
Jo has been a high profile evangelist for the advancement of eco-friendly packaging in the ecommerce sector for the past six years. Her work, raising industry awareness as to the wasteful practice of using oversized boxes for ecommerce deliveries, has helped establish automated right-sized packaging as an accepted and transformative technology for the industry.
Sparck Technologies’ Richard Nijboer, director of sales & services, said: “This award is fitting recognition of Jo’s determination to change the way that ecommerce supply chains approach packaging. Jo believes that she can make a difference, by encouraging the industry to do the right thing for the planet and for the sound business principles of capacity, performance and cost. She passionately believes that right-sized packaging is the sustainable way forward for the ecommerce sector.
“Her determination to deliver change is just one of Jo’s many fine qualities. She has an entrepreneurial spirit and a creative mind that thinks both ‘inside and outside’ the box. Everyone at Sparck is delighted that Jo has received this prestigious award.”
With the capability to tailor-make up to 1,100 packages per hour, for multiple or single item orders, Sparck Technologies’ CVP Everest and CVP Impack packaging systems effortlessly create, fill, fold and label each parcel in one seamless process – reducing package volumes by up to 50%, cutting cardboard usage by 30% and eliminating the need for void fill.
Through her efforts, Jo has achieved considerable success positioning the machines at some of the UK’s largest retailers – including ASDA, The White Company, Boots and Frasers.
Commenting on the Award, Jo Bradley said: “Receiving a Women in Supply Chain Award has been both a wonderful surprise and a great honour. In many ways this Award is industry recognition of the important roll eco-friendly packaging plays in the supply chain – saving materials, transit space and energy.”