Descartes E-Customs Solution in Place for KLG Europe
14th August 2020

Descartes has provided worldwide logistics service provider KLG Europe, with its e-Customs solution to support with the impending compulsory customs declarations processes post Brexit.
Freight forwarder KLG Europe’s operations have been predominantly conducted within the EU, meaning that prior to Brexit, customs declarations have not been necessary for the organisation. And for its 5% of import and exports to non-EU countries, the customs declarations were previously outsourced to agents. With the impending deadline of Brexit, and the reality of EU customs declarations increasing from none to an estimated 28,000 per year, it became commercially clear that KLG Europe needed a solution to successfully manage this volume of customs declarations in-house. Ensuring its business remains efficient and compliant is critical for its clients. After seeking advice from Descartes and with the help of the Government’s Customs Grant Scheme, KLG Europe has been able to deploy Descartes’ e-Customs solution and has undergone training with Descartes – ensuring the complicated customs declarations process will be as straightforward as possible, once the Brexit deadline passes.
“Ensuring that our day-to-to logistics business remains accurate and efficient for our customers is top priority, so it was absolutely crucial to find a solution that could enable us to cope with the huge extra volume of customs declarations that will be required post Brexit. The customs declaration process is complex, and so the added value of Descartes’ training and knowledge on this has been paramount since deploying the e-Customs solution. Additionally, it has the capability to integrate with our other current systems, eliminating duplication of work. While many Brexit deadlines have come and gone, we’re now confident we will be ready to deal with the 100% increase in customs declarations that will be required from us from 1st January 2021,” said Jamie Wood, General Manager, KLG Europe Bradford Ltd.
Pol Sweeney, VP Sales and Business Manager UK for Descartes comments: “For businesses like KLG Europe, that are going from processing zero customs declarations to tens of thousands, and in some cases, hundreds of thousands overnight, the complex process of managing in-house customs declarations may not seem appealing. But, as KLG Europe realised, it made more sense for their operation to develop inhouse expertise. Deploying Descartes’ e-Customs solution along with expert training helps to simplify the customs process and ensure businesses remain both compliant and efficient.”