New Executive Board Structure for Röhlig Logistics
26th November 2018
Privately owned Bremen-based logistics company Röhlig has restructured its Executive Board with the objective of switching from a country-driven to a product-driven organization. The new Board structure is intended to better reflect and promote the new company structure:
• Philip W. Herwig: Managing Partner & Chief Sales Officer
• Hylton Gray: Chief Executive Officer Air, Sea, Contract & Project Logistics
• Ludger Körner: Chief Financial Officer
• Ulrike Baum: Chief Human Resources Officer
Furthermore, the Advisory Board has appointed Philip W. Herwig as Chairman of the Executive Board and Hylton Gray as Deputy Chairman. Managing Partner & CSO Philip W. Herwig explains, “We have been expanding our global network significantly, nowadays embracing over 30 countries, which is the broadest expanse in our company’s history. In order to streamline our organisation further and to manage the evergrowing number of countries within our network, the Board is working on establishing a regional management level globally, who would be reporting directly to the responsible Board members.”