How DB Schenker Rail Automotive manages Delivery Chains
14th September 2015

How do you succeed in integrating the large number of different system partners and carriers with the global supply chain of a German automobile manufacturer? This is what Christian Herzer, Manager Systems with DB Schenker Rail Automotive, writes about in a series of publications published by the IT company AXIT. As of today the professional article can be obtained free of charge through the cloud specialists website (
The AXIT series of publications Collaboration in Practice bundles experiences from shippers and logistics providers in cloud-based management of complex supply chain solutions via the logistics platform AX4.
How do you leave the world of Excel behind in favor of paperless communication? How do you succeed in integrating various participants with a common and cross-company IT workflow? Which opportunities and risks do you need to consider regarding collaboration?
Herzer describes his experiences in transport logistics for a large automobile manufacturer who ships vendor parts from factories in Germany and Czech Republic to Kaluga in Russia.