Dunkerque scores highly in port user survey
29th September 2021

AUTF, the French shippers’ trade association (representing importers and exporters from all over France), has revealed its satisfaction index of the shippers’ perception of maritime transport. The document is the result of a survey entrusted to Eurogroup Consulting and carried out among a panel of industrial shippers and distributors from the chemical, agrifood and distribution sectors.
For the second consecutive year, the Port of Dunkerque has been clearly congratulated:
Whilst 57% of the participants in the panel were “very satisfied” or “satisfied” with French port communities in general, the figure reached 88% where Dunkerque is concerned.
67% of the participants believe that the level of service quality in the Dunkerque port community is improving, while 33% consider it stable.
The panel ranked Dunkerque-Port at the top of the most commercially active ports for shippers.
The measures implemented in recent years such as reverse charge VAT, the H24 customs clearance services in advance of unloading, the opening of the Cargo Community System (CCS) and even “the pooling of Terminal Handling Charges (THC)” have been prime movers in the continuous improvement initiative for the handling of goods.
Similarly, during the Covid-19 pandemic, the Port of Dunkerque as a whole took every step required to ensure port operations continued as normal while preserving the health of employees present on the quays.
Maurice Georges, Chairman of the Executive Board of Dunkerque-Port, commented: “In this period marked by major economic uncertainty, the Port Community of Dunkerque is delighted by the results of the survey and would like to warmly thank the shippers for their renewed confidence.”