Night Star Express enhances proof of delivery services
31st July 2017

Night Star Express, a logistics services provider based in Benelux, partners again with Zetes to upgrade its existing proof of delivery solution, ZetesChronos. The new solution provides real-time insight on deliveries both for Night Star Express’ customers and its back-office. Powered by the MCL™ Mobility Platform, it will sustain business growth as it allows rapid integration of new users and enables Night Star Express the flexibility to select from a wider choice of equipment with higher specifications, regardless of the operating system.
Night Star Express Hellmann is part of Hellmann Worldwide Logistics, offering night express delivery services in the Benelux, whole of Germany and the UK. Working with Zetes for several years, Night Star Express is using ZetesChronos as proof of delivery system. Equipped with mobile devices, the drivers scan the packages delivered to prove the goods have been delivered at the right place, at the right time and in the right condition. They can also take pictures in order to avoid potential customer disputes – a crucial feature for deliveries happening during the night. All the information is then sent to the back-office, including the exact unloading point, using GPS.
Zetes will upgrade the ZetesChronos software and replace the current hardware with Android devices. With the upgrade to the latest version of ZetesChronos, Night Star Express will also benefit from the MCL™ Mobility Platform, a cloud based platform which enables centralised management of mobile applications, devices and users. “The POD system is critical for our business and we need to guarantee its continuity and stability,” says Christiaan van Driel, IT Manager at Night Star Express. “The combination of ZetesChronos and the MCL™ Mobility Platform means we are not bound by the operating system and hardware, which therefore facilitates future changes. Zetes has been an excellent strategic partner, enabling and supporting some of our business critical processes for some time now and we are delighted to be working with them again to enable a key part of our growth plan. The solution offers the scalability and flexibility we need to expand our team of drivers, in line with demand and our business growth”, concludes Christiaan van Driel.