
Descartes Acquires BoxTop Descartes Acquires BoxTop

Descartes Acquires BoxTop Technologies

Descartes Systems Group, a global leader in uniting logistics-intensive businesses in commerce, announced that… Read more »

Rewiring Supply Chains Rewiring Supply Chains

Rewiring Supply Chains for Digital Age

At the height of the COVID-19 pandemic, organisations were forced to take bold steps… Read more »

Digital Transformation Digital Transformation

Preparing Logistics Brands for Digital Transformation

Boardrooms and business news are abuzz with talk of digital transformation, writes Jeff Mallchok… Read more »

Logistics BusinessPilot Partners for Digitization Logistics BusinessPilot Partners for Digitization

Pilot Partners for Digitization

The digital release process in the German seaports has reached the next level. During… Read more »

Logistics BusinesseBook: Navigating the Journey of Digital Transformation Logistics BusinesseBook: Navigating the Journey of Digital Transformation

eBook: Navigating the Journey of Digital Transformation

Logistics Business magazine, in association with Aptean, has produced a short digital issue eBook… Read more »

Logistics BusinessDigital excise tax connector SAP certified Logistics BusinessDigital excise tax connector SAP certified

Digital excise tax connector SAP certified

The digitalization specialist Implico Group is proud to announce that the Avalara Tax Connector… Read more »